Camping in Marloes, Pembrokeshire
It has been decided.
We would go for a weekend in Wales. Our main goal for this trip – to see the beautiful atlantic puffins.
It was July, weather was good and we decided to go camping instead of staying at a guesthouse. We love camping, so this was a good opportunity to do that.

We never went camping in UK before, so we didn’t have a tent, sleeping bags or anything else you’d need for this sort of trip.
It was Friday afternoon when we left London and started heading to Wales. But before we did that, we made sure we got everything we need, so we went and bought a tent, sleeping bags etc. After 5-6 hours of driving, we thought we’d reached our destination, but in fact we got lost. It wasn’t that bad, as the only problem was that we got the camping sites mixed up. So we were now at the East Hook Farm when we should have been at the West Hook Farm.
We arrived really late at night, or should we say very early morning? ..around 2-3am.
We pitched our tent, but it was so dark we could not see a thing around us. We had some headlamps, which we used to put up the tent, we ate a sandwich and went to sleep, as we were knackered.
Only the next day, when we woke up, did we realize we were camping right on the coast of Marloes Peninsula, with an amazing view, overlooking the Celtic Sea.